
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Zombies on the Food Chain

Humans as you know are on the top of the food chain, but not because of our natural abilities, its cause of our technology's and our intelligence's. So when you take those things away from us the odds are against us. So lets go over the differences between humans and Zombies. Humans are intelligent, have and can use weapons/ technology, and Speed (average speed 12mph). Zombies, have no intelligence's, which makes them unable to use  our weapons/ technology, these are the main reasons humans are on top of the food chain, and on top of that Zombies are slow. This puts them way way down on the chain, the only thing Zombies have going for them is that to an animal they look like a human, this may deter them from attacking, but its only a matter of time before they start to figure it out that Zombies are slow and don't know how to defend themselves. Now what will be the Zombies main predators? Stray dogs,there are lots and lots of them all over the world, they can get very aggressive and are a formidable force. There have been lots of cases of stray dogs attacking humans, some have actually killed humans. Now if these dogs can kill someone with the intelligence to run and fight, what do you think they would do to Zombies (note that these dogs would only be interested in the recently turned Zombies, because dogs digestive systems can't handle decomposed flesh). The big predator for the long term Zombies would be vultures, they have the digestive system that can handle the Zombie flesh, and they'd have no problem tearing through flesh and muscle, rendering the Zombie immobile eventually. Another predator for them are insects, flies, maggots, ants, ect... We don't even think of these when talking about predators, but think about how many flies you swat away from you in just one day, Now think of a Zombie it doesn't have the intelligence to swat flies or not stand in ants and Zombies have open wounds that cant heal. This means flies and ants will lay eggs in a Zombies eyes and wounds. Once the eggs hatch into maggots they begin to eat and ants begin to make the zombie there home, making tunnels inside it. eventually eating  its eyes and blinding it, rendering it even more defenseless to other predators or getting in its brain and killing it. Oh an one last predator, Us we aren't going without a fight an even though Zombies pose a moral dilemma I have the utmost confidence in us as a strong species to over come and prevail.

Friday, May 4, 2012

How Zombies Brains Work

Regardless to how a Zombie turns, they all act pretty much the same. This is do to whats going on in their brain. Okay a typical Zombie to me, moves slow and stumbles, continually eats even if full, Zombies can see, smell ,and hear, and has no decision making process. Why would a Zombie move slow and stumble about, walking is controlled by the Cerebellum, so knowing that we can conclude that a Zombies Cerebellum is up and running but damaged. Zombies just love to eat and eat, but its not just a love for eating, there's a part in the brain called Ventromedial Hypothalamus which tells you when your full, this is pretty much nonexistent in a Zombies brain. The sense of sight comes from a part of the Occipital lobe, smell comes from a part of the Olfactory bulb, and hearing comes from a part of the Temporal lobe, the lobes themselves don't work just the parts related to those senses. Now why would a Zombies decision making go right out the window, well  problem solving or decision making is controlled by the Frontal lobe and this in a Zombie is completely dead, leaving the zombie with no problem solving or decision making. One last thing that all Zombies have in common is their need to eat living human flesh. I feel that in the cases were a parasite/ bacteria or a virus is the culprit for turning a person into a Zombie that they are the reason Zombies target normal humans. In these cases it could be possible that when the parasite/ bacteria or virus get into the host's brain cells it programs the host to infect and spread so that the parasite/ bacteria or virus can live on and prosper. Since humans have made there way to the top of the food chain these parasites/ bacteria or viruses feel that these are the safest host to be in, so they only program the host to infect other humans. Zombies running on the most basic of instincts can still use it's intact senses to tell the difference between Zombie and human. Sight, can see the difference in speed. Smell, can smell difference in decomposing flesh and living. Hearing, Zombies really don't make alot of noise other than occasional moan and humans tend to yell, knock stuff over, shoot, and lots of other things that Zombies can hear and hone in on. This is what I think makes a typical Zombie tick. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Zombies Abilities

A usual question that comes up when you're talking about Zombies is their abilities/ powers.
I've researched this question a little bit and have my own ideas of what they're capable of.
Zombies never sleep, and they are incapable of fatigue. Fatigue in the muscles is caused by a lactic acid build up. Zombies are incapable of producing this acid. Since they are incapable of producing lactic acid in the muscle tissue they feel no symptoms of fatigue. They also feel no pain, because the nervous system shuts down after "death", making them unable to feel anything. Zombies also require no air to "live", because they use such a small portion of their brain that if their just in an environment where oxygen is present they can "live". Knowing this you could say that zombies could live underwater, but that thought is misleading in my opinion, you would think of a zombie walking on the bottom of a lake then coming up on the other side. This wouldn't happen, because the human body during decomposition creates gas through out the body and would make a zombie float rendering it quite useless and at the will to the current. They are immune to drugs, poisons, gases, suffocation, and drowning. They fear nothing, zombies don't have the cognitive capacity to know how or what to fear. While not invulnerable to physical injury, zombies can suffer immense amounts of damage to their bodies without "dieing", except damage to the brain. Zombies can eat and eat and have no sense of being full, so that means their is no prime hunting period for zombies they're on the hunt for you 24/7.